A show written by Kurt Bosecke and curated by Danni Zuvala and Good Bank captain, Henry Jock. Part of the SALA Festival.
Ghosts of the Mosaicoral Empire Kingdom is a retro-spectacle of Kurt Bosecke. This show has four full rooms of Bosecke’s artwork, spanning 9 years of the artist's rigorous creations.
There are four spaces brimmed with a monumental amount of Kurt’s work. From early works created at Tutti Arts Studio in Brighton, to underwater worlds, ceramics, recent large-scale abstracts and dragon Popes.
Friday 12 August - Sunday 25 September
Good Bank Gallery
141 Main Road, McLaren Vale, SA
How much
Free entry.
Artworks available for sale from $30 - $3000.
Light, Dark and Bright: Ghosts of the Mosaicoral Empire Kingdom
A mosaic is an image made up of pieces of other things. Uniquely shaped, each part of a mosaic tells its story of the place it has come from, as it plays its part in the new story of the whole. While a mosaic may look fractured up close, being made up of broken or irregular pieces, its aesthetic comes from the ordering of those parts into a pleasing whole.
Like a mosaic, many of Kurt Bosecke’s works have the quality of being compositions made up of differently shaped parts. Up close, lines may appear to hover and figures to distort; however, from a distance, the ways in which the artist has organised the elements of his compositions can be better seen.
Click to read Danni Zuvela's complete piece.
Opening night
Photos of the opening night by Emmaline Zanelli
Drinks by Coopers and Five O'Clock Somewhere
Served by the Daily Grind team
Live tunes from Adrian Schmidt Mumm and Mat Morison.
Photos by Jonathan Van Der Knapp